Association wage surveys are great, but they have a number of challenges including lack of detail due to suppressed data, small sample sizes, and infrequent updating. Labor Titan can augment your current salary surveys by addressing these challenges quickly, easily, and economically.
We ensure you are always working with the freshest market pay data anywhere. Our monthly updates keep you aligned with local market wages as they move. No more working off old data and being out of position in the market.
Conducting custom salary surveys is both time consuming and expensive. As such, it isn't practical for most companies. We work with you to help your members benchmark compensation quickly and economically.
Most pay benchmarking sources have limited detail. We provide current month pay down to the occupation, metro, and work level. This detail can powerfully augment your wage surveys.
In a world where many confuse complexity for value, Labor Titan delivers impressive inferences, providing you with clarity and confidence to drive better and faster compensation decisions.
Having this wage guidance is like someone turning on the headlights and windshield wipers when driving at night in the rain! I couldn’t be more impressed.